You already know you need to be pitching yourself to podcasts.

You’ve heard the advice high and low – from the marketing program you’re in to the networking group you attend. 

It’s the thing you “should” be doing to grow your business. 

You see the value. You’ve heard stories from others about how it helped them sell their books or fill their group programs. You’re intrigued, sure, but for whatever reason, you haven’t been able to convince yourself to send pitches with any kind of regularity. 

If you’re like any of the clients I’ve worked with over the last decade, questions that pummel you as soon as you sit down to pitch might be:

  • There’s so much to do! Where do I even start? 

  • How do I find the right shows to pitch, especially ones that are values-aligned?

  • What if nobody cares about what I have to say? 

  • What if everyone says no and this is all a waste of my time?

  • I don't have any connections to big podcasts. Should I even bother pitching them? 

Most importantly, when you do sit down to pitch yourself, how do you write something that differentiates you from the hundreds of other people in your industry with a similar skill set and story? 

Side note: Nothing is wrong with you if you’ve been feeling this way, especially if you come from an under-recognized* community. The way pitching is traditionally done feels heavy because it’s laden with all sorts of extractive expectations and spam-like energy. (The mail, not the meat, of course.) 

It's Time to Ask for Attention


It's Time to Ask for Attention 〰️

After over a decade of being behind the scenes, playing a hand in bestseller books and sold out program launches, I’ve learned that the majority of authors and entrepreneurs aren’t quietly doing their work behind the scenes because they don’t want visibility.

Typically, they struggle to pitch themselves because they can’t clearly see what makes them stand out. Even if they do know, they often don't know how to articulate in a way that makes it “media worthy.” 

But that’s where I come in. Identifying and crafting messaging that makes someone stand out to media makers is something that has made past clients tell me that I was the best investment they ever made.

Beyond hundreds of podcast interviews booked, that messaging has landed media in NBC Better, The Today Show,, SHAPE, Byrdie, Well + Good, Bustle, Forbes, Quartz Magazine, Fast Company, and Strategy Magazine. What’s more, I’m not just bringing 10+ years of PR experience to our container. I’m also offering 20+ years of being a student of storytelling. As a fiction writer, I naturally weave in the magic of character development, story arc, and literary technique to the conversation in a way that adds density and depth to everything I write. 

Hi! I’m Cher. 

Plus, I refuse to do this work without taking equity, liberation, and humanity into account.

Our stories – from the ones we tell on podcasts to the books on our shelves – are a tool for social change.


The reality is that most pitches miss the mark.

They’re flat, grayscale words on a too-bright computer screen in someone’s overflowing inbox. 

There are so many critical elements left out! Context. Personalization. Relevance. Reciprocity. Personality. Your FULL humanity. 

And when you add these into the mix? What pops out on the page is PRESENCE.

It’s not something you quantify, but you know it when you feel it. That person who owns the room, who commands attention, who feels magnetic.

All of the information might be there. The pitch might be well written. But it still feels like an empty shell, walking around with no personality and no real stake in the world. 

My sweet, brilliant entrepreneur – I refuse to let this be you. 

Here’s what I imagine for you instead:

I imagine….

… that each pitch you write repeatedly lights you up every time you hit send because you remember how your distinct gifts and story are already making an impact.

… that every pitch that lands in overflowing inboxes stands out from the rest because it’s in full technicolor

… that you effortlessly release the opportunities that aren’t meant for you. No energetic baggage, thankyouverymuch. 

… that you cultivate a supportive network of people who routinely create visibility opportunities for each other. 

Pitching yourself can be joyful and fun and restorative. It can remind you of your purpose. And it can connect you to others in a way that serves everyone’s needs. 

That’s why I’ve developed a live incubator that will guide you in crafting messaging that spotlights what makes you distinct and highlights who you really are, not just the persona you hope will elicit a “yes” from a podcast host or producer.

What’s Included in Each of the Workshops?

Press the + button the right to read the descriptions.

  • Date/time: TBD

    Run time: 90 minutes

    The first workshop will be all about writing your narrative, or what I’m calling, your Personal Statement. 

    This is a section that trips so many smart, personality-rich entrepreneurs up. 

    • How does my story differ from the other service providers or coaches who have similar “origin stories”?

    • How do I condense my multiple careers, interests, and 10+ years of experience into a few sentences? 

    • How am I supposed to resign myself to labels that don’t totally capture who I am or who I’m becoming? 

    • How do I avoid tokenizing myself?

    Over the course of 90 minutes, we’ll dive into my framework that will help you craft a personal statement that SINGS. That feels like you. That makes you smile. That settles your body into recognition. Ah yes, that’s exactly how I want to describe myself. 

    How do you infuse all of who you are into 2D words on a screen? 

    We’re going to tackle that, and we’re going to do it in the spirit of reciprocity with style, joy, grace, and ease. 

  • Date/time: TBD

    Run time: 90 minutes

    Then, in the second workshop, we’re going to bring your talking points to life. 

    If you’re unfamiliar, your talking points are the possible topics you can speak on during an interview. They help the host make the connection between what their audience needs and the value that you have to offer.

    This is the crux of our work together. These talking points help you stand out from others and will set you apart if you have no existing connections or are shooting for big opportunities. 

    We’re going to play with techniques like mystique, detail, and relevance to craft talking points that make people…

    … lean into their screens

    … hit reply to learn more

    … click on all of your links

    Through a series of generative writing prompts, we’re going to make this process feel fun, expansive, and energizing. 

    They’ll want to know who you are and they’ll want to know what’s inside of that beautiful brain of yours. 

  • Date/time: TBD

    Run time: 90 minutes

    In the third workshop, we’re going to blend your personal statement and your talking points into a pitch that crackles with your unique energy. 

    We’ll ask questions like:

    • How does the pitch change if we’re just telling our stories – no bullet points required?

    • How do we fill out forms using the language that we’ve crafted? 

    • Which ‘clarity killers’ must we absolutely avoid? 


Oh, and I should mention that it doesn’t matter if you don’t have existing connections with the people you want to pitch. I love sending a cold pitch, and I’ve fine-tuned a cold outreach strategy that has saved me hundreds of hours and has consistently led to a 37% conversion rate from pitch to booking.  


It’s for:

  • Any business owner who identifies as BIPOC and LGBTQIA+

  • Nonfiction authors (business, self-help, wellness, DEI, leadership)

  • Any entrepreneur who has recently pivoted and aren’t sure how to marry who they were with who they’re becoming

  • Service providers and consultants

  • Health/wellness coaches

  • Life coaches

  • Product-based businesses (educational products, stationery, etc.) 

  • Nonprofit founders

  • Past clients who want to refresh or update their messaging

It’s not for you if you:

  • Don’t currently have capacity to show up live to the workshops or watch the recordings

  • Aren’t supportive of values related to equity or liberation

  • Are looking for support with visibility-related trauma

  • Fiction authors 

  • Local brick and mortar businesses 

Overall, you’ll receive:

  • 3 x 90-minute workshops in community with other values-led entrepreneurs (recordings included)

  • A pre-recorded training on how to source podcasts that are a fit for your niche and message

  • A 60-minute Q&A call (Date: TBD)

  • A 90-minute coworking call so you can kickstart your momentum and keep pitching (Date: TBD)

  • A template for your podcast press kit 

  • Templates for following up with pitches and handling awkward situations

Together, we’ll generate language that sings in key with your full humanity – one that’s rich, rooted, resonant, and wise.

Let’s find the words that capture both who you are and who you’re becoming. 

Let’s ground your visibility in an energy of mutual respect and reciprocity so everyone’s needs can be met. 

*shout out to Nmadinobi Chloé Nwangwu from NobiWorks for coining this term


What if I can’t make it live? Will I receive recordings of the workshops?

All of the work we do will happen in community together, so ideally, you’ll be able to attend each workshop. In the event that you can’t, I will send all recordings of the workshops within 24 hours.

What kind of results can I expect once I start sending out pitches?

While I can’t say for certain what each person will experience after they start sending pitches, I can tell you about the experiences my clients have had.

When I’m pitching on behalf of my clients, they see between a 15% and 25% conversion rate (so about 2 ‘yeses’ for every 10 pitches sent). 

When clients are DIYing the process, they’ve told me that they’ve landed between 20-30 interviews from a list of 100 podcasts.

Is there anything that I have to do before the workshop series starts?

There is some pre-work to complete. I’ll send you a 5-minute video of how to source podcasts that are a fit for your values and niche. Then I’ll ask you to make a list of 15-20 shows that you would like to pitch.

Can I purchase a seat to individual workshops instead of attending the entire series?

At this time, I’m not selling the workshops a la carte. Right now, moving through the process as a group is a critical component of the work we’ll be doing. 

I can’t afford this, but this feels so important to my current stage of business. Is there any way we can make this work?

Yes! If the price is prohibitive for you, there are two options:

  1. A sliding scale is available (without need for proof of income).

  2. Payment plans are available. You can schedule up to four payments of $625 with no additional fees. 

You’ll be able to checkmark both of these options when filling out the application. 

Can you share more about the results you get for your clients?

Of course! I’ve supported dozens of clients in booking hundreds of podcast interviews – both in a done-for-you capacity and a done-with-you style training.

Without any existing network, I’ve booked clients on shows hosted by personalities like:

Farnoosh Torabi

Bekah Martinez (from The Bachelor) 

Ruth Soukup

Aileen Xu

Chrystal Evans Hurst

Bethany Cameron

Arielle Lorre

Ethan Suplee

Mary Jelkovsky

Courtney Swan

Lindsey Elmore

Kelsey Darragh

Dr. Caroline Leaf

Emily Morse


Karen Hunter

Plus, my pitches have landed media in outlets like NBC Better, The Today Show,, SHAPE, Byrdie, Well +Good, Bustle, Forbes, Quartz Magazine, Fast Company, and Strategy Magazine.

You can also check out my case studies for more information.

I don’t use social media. Will that be an obstacle in pitching myself?

Absolutely not. There are other ways to prove your credibility and influence without showcasing vanity metrics from social media. 

Will I need to buy a professional microphone? 
While it’s not absolutely required, it is helpful to have high quality audio for your interviews. BUT this doesn’t have to be expensive. We can chat about this throughout the program. 
Here’s a great guide for recommendations on an entry-level setup.