Booking Speaking Engagements

Occupation: Attorney and Founder of Hashtag Legal

Goal: Attract new leads for 1x1 work through podcast interviews, editorial features, and speaking engagements


We love our client Jamie Lieberman. Not only is she an incredible attorney adept at working with the unique requirements of online business owners but she is also a master at negotiation, a mother of two, and laugh-out-loud hilarious. 

So when she approached us in the middle of her existing engagement to ask if we would be willing to pitch her for speaking gigs, it was a clear yes. She had already gained some momentum after we landed her features in outlets like Money Magazine, Create & Cultivate, and The Financial Diet. 

While we had landed previous clients a few speaking engagements without trying in the past, we had never pitched that kind of medium on purpose. 

But we loved Jamie and she seemed to like us, so we took a chance on each other. Plus, it didn’t hurt that Jamie had already spoken at well-known industry conferences like AltSummit, Mom 2.0, Women in Travel Summit, and FinCon. 

Our goal? Book four unpaid, quality speaking engagements in four months. 



Jamie wanted to attract 1x1 client work with these speaking engagements, so we curated a list of around 100 events that her client would be likely to attend.

Within this list, we included opportunities for virtual events like webinars, association meetings, conferences, and Lunch & Learns at mid-sized agencies. 

Out of this list of 100, we pitched roughly 48 speaking or conference organizers.

“Cher is easy to work with, responsive and works diligently to understand her client’s businesses and needs.”


Humble brag time. In the end, we knocked it out of the park and booked SIX speaking gigs for Jamie. 

  1. A session at the high-profile INBOUND conference

  2. A Lunch & Learn for the editorial staff at Adweek

  3. A session at Podcast Evolutions (associated with Podcast Movement)

  4. An Instagram Live on the Create & Cultivate profile that has 550k+ followers

  5. A webinar for the paid Traffic & Conversion membership community (associated with the Traffic & Conversion Summit) 

  6. A virtual workshop for NAWBO NYC’s annual Small Business Bootcamp

Fun fact: We also landed a handful of other speaking gigs for ourselves and our friends during this time at AltSummit, Rebelle Con, INBOUND, and ShePodcasts Live.



If you’re looking for results like Jamie’s for your upcoming book, project, or 1x1 work, check out our services here.


Pivoting to a New Business Model


Amplifying a Message of Inclusion